Fully Responsive
This theme was built to look great on all devices from large desktops to tablets and mobile phones. Go ahead resize the browser and see it in action.
Retina Display Ready
It also features the super slick Foresight.js giving the ability to tell if the user’s device is capable of viewing high-resolution images (such as the 3rd generation iPad or iPhone 4) before the image is requested from the server. Additionally, it judges if the user’s device currently has a fast enough network connection for high-resolution images. Depending on device display and network connectivity, foresight.js will request the appropriate image for the webpage. It modifies context image requests, specifically the img src attribute, but the server does the image resizing.
Its simple, straightforward and just what the doctor ordered!
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[alert color=blue title=”” align=”center”]Pick up a copy of WP Consultant today![/alert]
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The typography of WP Consultant is designed to create a strong hierarchy with basic styles. The primary font is Open Sans, however those can easily be changed via the admin options panel — choosing from a plethora of Google Fonts. Regular paragraphs are set at a 16px base with 25px line height.
Heading <h1>
Heading <h2>
Heading <h3>
Heading <h4>
Heading <h5>
Heading <h6>
This is a blockquote style example. It stands out, but is awesome
Dave Gamache, Skeleton Creator
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Left Aligned
Aliquam eu tortor metus, at dignissim velit. Quisque a sem nunc, a porttitor nulla. Etiam cursus vehicula rhoncus. Donec at eros eu purus consectetur ullamcorper. Morbi scelerisque luctus leo, sed vestibulum nisl pellentesque non. Proin eleifend nunc ac mi consectetur sit amet vulputate neque pharetra.
Right Aligned
Aliquam eu tortor metus, at dignissim velit. Quisque a sem nunc, a porttitor nulla. Etiam cursus vehicula rhoncus. Donec at eros eu purus consectetur ullamcorper. Morbi scelerisque luctus leo, sed vestibulum nisl pellentesque non. Proin eleifend nunc ac mi consectetur sit amet vulputate neque pharetra.
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Aliquam eu tortor metus, at dignissim velit. Quisque a sem nunc, a porttitor nulla. Etiam cursus vehicula rhoncus. Donec at eros eu purus consectetur ullamcorper. Morbi scelerisque luctus leo, sed vestibulum nisl pellentesque non. Proin eleifend nunc ac mi consectetur sit amet vulputate neque pharetra. Aenean ut justo ante. Aliquam ipsum leo, tristique et aliquet vel, ullamcorper sit amet magna. Vestibulum neque velit, ornare sed tristique vel, adipiscing in turpis. Vivamus erat felis, ultrices id sodales quis, faucibus ultricies nisi. Fusce ultrices, ante quis faucibus convallis, urna risus scelerisque risus, rutrum accumsan nibh arcu sit amet nulla. Phasellus risus augue, faucibus nec eleifend iaculis, adipiscing eget neque. Etiam justo felis, feugiat eget faucibus vel, cursus quis dui. Pellentesque suscipit cursus nisi sed elementum.
[alert color=green title=”” align=”center”]What are you waiting for pick up a copy of WP Consultant, you know you want to![/alert]