Organization’s Vision Realization

We help our clients shape their futures by joining them in the strategy building process. That starts with the dreams of where the organization wants to be in the future and ends with fulfilling that vision into tangible results.


Preparing the data sources of documents, personnel, processes etc. that will be studied and analyzed to identify the client’s future strategic directions.


Creating the client’s Mission, Vision and Values. These parameters will be the basic building blocks, on which the strategy will be built on.


Analyzing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) to identify the current situation strategic gaps to have a better future.


Preparing the data sources of documents, personnel, processes etc. that will be studied and analyzed to identify the client’s future strategic directions.


Creating the client’s Mission, Vision and Values. These parameters will be the basic building blocks, on which the strategy will be built on.


Analyzing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) to identify the current situation strategic gaps to have a better future.

Strategic Planning

Identifying the Strategic Objectives, Key Performance Indicators and Initiatives. Then, building their interrelationships to ensure the strategy integrity.


Turning the strategy into actionable projects, tasks and assignments. Then, tracking the execution to ensure achieving the required strategic results.

Strategic Planning

Identifying the Strategic Objectives, Key Performance Indicators and Initiatives. Then, building their interrelationships to ensure the strategy integrity.


Turning the strategy into actionable projects, tasks and assignments. Then, tracking the execution to ensure achieving the required strategic results.


Vision Development

“Vision” is a statement that describes how the organization want to be in the future. It involves answering the following questions:
  • What are the goals and success targets that the organization seeks to achieve?
  • What would the organization accomplish, if the conditions for success are met?
  • What is the future image that the organization seeks to establish in its line of business?

Mission Development

“Mission” is a statement that describes what is the core business of the organization. It involves answering the following questions:
  • (What) is the main mission of the organization?
  • (Who) are the beneficiaries of organization’s service?
  • (How) is this service is performed and the means to deliver it?
  • (Why) are the main reasons for the existence of the organization?

Strategic Gaps Identification

This step involves assessing the current status of the organization, determining the future directions, and then determining the gap between the current situation and what is needed to be in the future. All business areas, internally and externally will be analyzed to study and assess strategic gaps.

SWOT Analysis

Analyzing the organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats is an essential task to be accomplished before defining the organization’s strategy. these parameters are determined in order to identify what options are available to go through with the highest chances to success and lowest risks to fail.

Strategic Planning

It is the activity that involves all stakeholders to select the suitable options for the organization by identifying priorities, focus on resources, strengthen opportunities, avoid weaknesses and threats. This process involves creating:
  • Strategic Objectives.
  • Key Performance Indicators .
  • Strategic Initiative.

Strategy Execution

Strategy execution involves turning the strategic plan into actionable items “initiatives, projects, and tasks” that are translated into work and efforts that results in the desired strategic objectives. During this process, project progress is recorded and its output is reflected on the KPIs, that in turn reflect on the strategic projects and hence the overall strategy.